
1. Limitation of Liability

The content provided on this website has been created diligently; however, Fred Schäpe, trading under the business name of "S-Electronics" (in the following called "S-Electronics"), accepts no liability for the content provided. The use of any of the provided content occurs at the sole risk of the User.
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S-Electronics does not adopt the content expressed by third parties on their websites by setting an external link. S-Electronics has no influence over third parties concerning the current or future content of their websites.
S-Electronics explicitly distances himself from all content which is not published on the website of S-Electronics.  

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The content published on this website is subject to German copyright and ancillary copyright law. Each and every use which breaches the German copyright and ancillary copyright law requires S-Electronics (or the respective legal owners) written consent. This applies inter alia to duplication, editing, translating, saving, processing and reproducing any content in databases or other electronic media and systems.
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4. Data Protection

For details check our privacy policy.

5. Terms of Use

In the event that special terms – differing from the above – apply to the use of specific data on this website the User will explicitly be notified of such. In these cases the special terms of use are valid.
By using this website the User accepts the aforementioned terms as legally binding.
If the User wants to make suggestions, criticisms or note an error please follow the link.


Source: Disclaimer from www.juraforum.de